My terrific tulip!

My terrific tulip
My terrific tulip
I just have to share this wonderful tulip that came up yesterday. I have never really been a big fan of bulbs or tulips but I attended this workshop by a nursery in Oakley. The woman who ran the workshop had so much knowledge and went on about how her bulbs were the best. They were giant bulbs so I had to give it a shot. I put them in the fridge for a week before I planted in November. She said Thanksgiving is the cut off date. Then I used bulb food and bone meal. When the plants started to come up in late January it had black aphids so I sprayed for that and since then the plants are incredibly strong and healthy looking. I also spread grounds from Starbucks on the top as well. Not sure if that helped or not but I was really surprised at how breathtaking this flower it. It’s made me a fan of tulips!

View the slideshow of a tulip I picked. I used nothing but the light of my iPhone to light it. I like the soft even light it gives it. I used an 8 second exposure on the camera in manual mode.

Gorgeous day before a storm

I just put a trellis up for the cucumbers that have sprouted along the left wall. I got all the sprinklers in and the soil mixed so I am assuming in a matter of minutes I’ll be able to fill up these bins!

I bought some seed tape yesterday of some Cherry Belle Radish. They say it was 15 feet however it didn’t even reach around the edge of the bin so that was no 15 feet! I am going to also transplant my summer squash in that bin since the radish will be ready in 22 days and the squash will be ready in 65 days.

Ready to Plant!
Ready to Plant!

Here are some pics from iphone. The seed tape. My mom happy in her garden doing some weeding and the spinach from my bee boxes that are now growing. I put some lettuce containers over the lettuce to speed up the growing of the lettuce sprouts since it’s still a bit cold.

seed tape
seed tape
Happy gardener
Happy gardener
Lettuce covers
Lettuce covers
spinach sprouts
spinach sprouts