I have a graphic design background providing graphic design, photo editing and custom photography services for web development and print production. Custom design and imagery help people connect. Connecting to the world and the things around us is what it’s all about.
Touch a bubble to view various collections:
Random design posts from the blog below.
Making our mascot move
Background Remover
Free image searches
Adobe Illustrator brushes
Little worlds with the iPhone and Photoshop
What I'm working on
Happy Pupkin Day!
Local shows: Tractor Supply & Lynn House Gallery
The Vagina Monologues Poster Designs
Special companion
Proud of my students!
Iphone panos work well for web banners
The calendar and the big red bow
Digital painting of Mount Diablo to benefit the Marsh Creek State Park
Faculty and staff art show 2016
Useful web resources for web designers
A Visit to the Park
Happy 2016!
Nifty QR Code