Welcome to my special place!

I started to garden around 2006 when a friend gave me some sunflower seeds and I was hooked. I have been growing them every year since.
The garden has been my savior in taking me away from the computer and giving my eyes much needed breaks. My special place has grown to include a fern and flower garden house, a vegetable house and a little cactus garden. Here I post just to document what I am learning.
Joining the Monarch Movement!
Plant photos added to stock
Color from the garden
Quick and easy 5 minute potato harvest!
- Luscious lettuce!
- Getting a large plant safely out of a pot
- My garden shed made of old doors
- Portrait of a farmer
- Pretty mold
- Here a pepper, there a pepper...
- Powdery mildew solution
- Will you vote for me?
- I'm a sucker for these
- It's flower time!
- Earth day graphics
- Double duty bokashi composting
- What Easter looks like here
- Flower & Spider
- Blossom study
- A little world