My terrific tulipI just have to share this wonderful tulip that came up yesterday. I have never really been a big fan of bulbs or tulips but I attended this workshop by a nursery in Oakley. The woman who ran the workshop had so much knowledge and went on about how her bulbs were the best. They were giant bulbs so I had to give it a shot. I put them in the fridge for a week before I planted in November. She said Thanksgiving is the cut off date. Then I used bulb food and bone meal. When the plants started to come up in late January it had black aphids so I sprayed for that and since then the plants are incredibly strong and healthy looking. I also spread grounds from Starbucks on the top as well. Not sure if that helped or not but I was really surprised at how breathtaking this flower it. It’s made me a fan of tulips!
View the slideshow of a tulip I picked. I used nothing but the light of my iPhone to light it. I like the soft even light it gives it. I used an 8 second exposure on the camera in manual mode.
Can you provide more information on this?