Flag wrapped gun with displace filter

Flag wrapped gun with displace filter

Ok so this is not my usual cute little fluffy kitten or flowers photo. I assure you there are more of those to come!

For now the pressing issue of the day seems to be guns and violence. Not making a stand either way on that issue but as a graphic designer you have to illustrate anything. Here is a little web banner I had to whip out for a college debate on the subject.

My idea was rather typical but often typical gets the point across of what is really at the heart of the issue: the constitution and our rights as US citizens. What better symbols than a gun (duh!), the constitution and the US flag?

I could have just made a collage of all three symbols but just to make it a little more eye catching I decided to merge the two with a very old Photoshop trick.

I still don’t know a better way to do this but if you do please feel free to share. For now though here is how I do it using the displace filter.

Start with good black and white image that you want to wrap that has lots of contrast: Read more

Lady bug revisited

Lady bug revisited

Sometime ago I wrote a post on how to draw a cute little ladybug. I was pleased when I found out someone a halfway around the world in Australia was trying it out. Anthony Cerra emailed me to show me his creation that I thought was just too adorable not to post!

If you want to check out some of his work visit his site here.

He said he was going to use it as the logo for some kids clothing called Two little bugs 🙂


Special icons attached to special links

Special icons attached to special links

I thought I would share a little tip that just makes getting around sites easier and easier for the web content creator to maintain. If you find you have a lot of external sites you are linking to or links to PDFs it’s good practice to somehow tell people that information before they click. Otherwise they may download something they didn’t want to or are trying to find a way to get back to where they came from. It’s been considered good practice to add (PDF) or (DOC) at the end of a link but not everyone does it when you have multiple authors or they do it inconstantly with lower and upper case.

The code below shows how to add an external link icon and a special link icon if it’s a secure site or if it’s an email address. Note the code changes a little for when it’s a file type like a .DOC or a .PDF. You must also tell the CSS as in the example here how big your icon is so it doesn’t overlap the text. The very last part is important to tell the browser that if it isn’t any of these special things just leave it blank.

Here is an example link where this college needed a list of scholarships available. The inhouse links are for scholarships administered by the college but the ones with the icons are outside links that they are not responsible for. By doing the code below no modification to the HTML is necessary. The browser will read the CSS and figure out how to display the link.

#middlecol a[href^="http://"] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/images/external.png) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 13px;

#middlecol a[href^="https://"] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/images/external.png) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 13px;

#middlecol a[href^="mailto:"] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/images/email.gif) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 20px;

#middlecol a[href$='.pdf'] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/PDFs/pdficon.gif) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 20px;


#middlecol a[href$='.doc'] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/images/wordicon.gif) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 20px;


#middlecol a[href$='.docx'] {
    background: url(https://www.yourdomain.com/images/wordicon.gif) 
    center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 20px;


#middlecol a[href^="http://www.yourdomain.com"]  {
    background: none;
    padding-right: 0;

How to extract an image with hair

How to extract an image with hair

PSCS5 tip

Today I gave a little 30 minutes talk at REI for our local camera club I found on meetup.com 

This post is a recap of my talk for those who would like to try extracting an image with hair using photoshop CS5 and the steps written below. Please let me know if you have any questions about the process or would like me to explain anything further.

Read more

How to alternate table row colors

Just had to share a snippit. I have been trying to alternate row colors globally and haven’t had luck in IE with this bit of CSS

tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #ccc;

It doesn’t work in most IE browsers and then I found this bit of jQuery and it seems to work like a charm!

  $("tr:even").css("background-color", "#ccc");

[button link=”http://www.losmedanos.edu/directory/” color=”orange”] Check it out[/button]


Metal up your type

Metal up your type

The purpose of design is to communicate a message and therefore I believe special effects should be used only if there is a reason to use them. This means it’s probably rare that you’ll need to create metal type but as a designer you should know the concept of how to do it even if you’ll only do it once in your career.

Above is an image of a banner I did for our college website to congratulate one of our star alumni who played in the Superbowl. To match the emblem for the Superbowl it called for some silver type.

In addition to that I needed to remind students it was time to submit their applications for graduation. Both were going to be shown on the same page so I thought the gold and silver would compliment each other and contribute to the overall message that each was trying to convey.

Below are the settings I used in Adobe Photoshop CS5 to get both the gold and silver effect. You’ll have to vary it a little depending on your type face and point size. This will just give you and idea so you know how to shape the metal to your specifications!

Silver type

Type something. It doesn’t really matter the color or the type but in the case above I used Trajan and black but you can use any color. Then click on the layer style effects at the bottom of the layers palette and apply the settings for the various blending options:

For Gold type just add a gradient overlay for the gold color:

The color I used here is #cfa51a and #fff6b8 for the light color