Pest and Disease Finder, Bugs, Insects, Pest Control: Gardener’s Supply

Got this in the email today from gardeners about cucumber beetles being a problem in the garden. I am having some trouble with my squash and my cucumber plants suddenly looking very wilted and brown spots on the leaves. I will post pics of what they look like. I was concerned I would not get any squash but yesterday when I looked I saw one giant one I overlooked. I hate that when that happens!

I took a picture of the cucumber beetle and it appears we have the spotted kind out here although I do not see too many of them on the plant. Not sure how many it takes for it to be a problem. I did the test of cutting the leaf and measuring the stickiness and it failed that test so perhaps it’s some other problem. 
Pest and Disease Finder, Bugs, Insects, Pest Control: Gardener’s Supply

Plants I bought today

Got them transplanted today 🙂

My reason for the bottle bush is that it seems to grow in most soils and tolerates our salty water. Also the peacoks seem to leave it alone. From what I read it’s not poisonous. Must just not be a very pleasant plant to eat.

The loropetalum I bought at a local nursery because I was specifically looking for a plant that would grow well in the shade for a vacent spot in my fern house. This will take part or full sun so we’ll see how it goes. I think the leaf coloring is interesting and compliments that lime green of the feather river grass and the asparagus fern that is growing next to it.

The bluebell is just pretty so I had to get that. Not sure if it’s too hot here for it or not but we will see!

Mason Bee/Leaf cutter

Leaf cutter bee with crab spider
Leaf cutter bee with crab spider

I am thinking of making a Mason Bee box. Not so much to attract mason bees although I think that would be cool too but I have seen many leaf cutter bee nests. I thought they were mason bees but now I see there is a difference. They apparently use the same kind of box. While they damage leaves the custom made boxes actually cut down on the damage from the bees because they don’t need to cut as many leaves to make their nest. Also they won’t attack your vehicle or other machinery if they have a proper house. In addition they will pollinate your plants and hopefully produce more fruit. I have only seen two honey bees since the season started and I suspect that is why my squash is suffering. It’s too late in the season I think for the leaf cutter and mason bees but I would like to get ready for next year. Here is a link that talks about all about them.

Here is another good link