Just planted some Calendula

Never have seen or tried this flower. It’s supposed to be good for stomach ulcers and it’s a pretty plant (so they say) anyway. I have some stomach problems. I don’t know what it is but the doctor gave me some Famotidine that I am supposed to take forever to reduce stomach acid. I have been taking it for a couple months now and have noticed in the last week I am having trouble thinking. I will read a page and can’t process the information or I just feel like my thoughts are slow. I felt a little shacky and depressed and I wondered if I was having a reaction since this is the only medication I am taking. I didn’t find out anything for depression or general shakiness but I did see that one side effect is “impaired thinking” – YIKES! Why didn’t the doctor tell me that??? Ok going back to stomach problems. I would rather have pain in my stomach versus loosing my mind. Maybe by some miracle I won’t need any pills and this calendula will do the trick. Can’t hurt to try for a $1.50 a packet. The seeds are kinda interesting. They looks like tried worms. Here is a link


These I planted inside the garden house because they said it likes shade and moist ares. This container get a bit too much water and was too dark for the snap peas I had growing there. My concern is that it may not like the water since it says it like to be by a stream. It’s supposed to be spicy in flavor. The medicinal uses apparently have an expectorant effect that is used to treat runny nose and cough due to colds and bronchitis. Due to its high vitamin and mineral content, watercress has also been used to treat anemia. The dried leaves are used to make a tea; fresh leaves are added to salads and foods. Juice from the fresh leaves is also used as an antiseptic cleanser for blemished skin.

Tea: Steet 1 to 2 teaspoons dried leaves or 2 to 3 teaspoons fresh leaves in 1 cup boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink up to 2 cups tea daily.

Fresh use: Add up to 1 ounce of fresh watercress to salad daily.

Skin cleanser: Juice fresh leaves and apply the juice to blemished skin for 15 minutes.

my worry is that it said to sow 6 – 8 weeks before the last frost. This might have been the last frost so it may be too hot for it. It says you can harvest in early spring so I may be too late. You can store it in the fridge for several hours if you have it in water.

Hmmm the more I read about this plant the more it should be grown hydroponically instead of in soil. Oh well I guess I will see if anything come up! It germinates in 7-14 days.

Nasturtiums and Sunflowers seeds

Just picked these seeds up a Winco today. I liked the little tag that said easy to grow! When reading about it sounds like miracle plant! I hope it grows. I tried my sunflowers too early and also the place I had them next to the fence was not peacock proof enough. In the interest of time I cleared out this bed today and decided to sow some seeds here and my idea is to have nasturtium at the bass of the sunflowers. I found this link that has a lot of good information about the flower.

My radish crop

Just harvested some of my radishes that I planted from a seed strip. They were so crunchy and tasty

I made radish salsa:

2 avocados
1 jalepeno
1 roma tomato
1 garlic clove
1 shallot
diced cilantro
1 lime
several radishes
and salt to taste
(chop it all up and eat!)

I would have taken a picture to show but I consumed it too fast for that 🙂

Apparently there is a lot of recipes for radish. Check out this link. Can’t wait to try them!