I’ve been very impressed with this web application and it’s many uses that I just had to share what it does. Since I work at a college I can really see how it can help with content in the classroom. With it’s easy sharing and embedding you can put in almost any course management system. Hope many people join and keep this site alive for a long time!
Author: Eloine
Using google drive to create a form
I just recorded a quick little screen cast to explain how to use Google Drive to create a form that people can fill out on your web page. It’s quick, easy and the best part free! Just thought I would share:
Puppy fun
I have all the luck of playing with some of the best furry friends in town. These are four females that my parents have up for sale. They will be 8 weeks old this Saturday. It was so much fun photographing them because all they wanted to do is be one big soft puppy pile. If you click on any of the images below you’ll be directed to their facebook page. The picture above was my favorite from the session. Read more
How to alternate table row colors
Just had to share a snippit. I have been trying to alternate row colors globally and haven’t had luck in IE with this bit of CSS
tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #ccc; }
It doesn’t work in most IE browsers and then I found this bit of jQuery and it seems to work like a charm!
$(document).ready(function() { $("tr:even").css("background-color", "#ccc"); });
[button link=”http://www.losmedanos.edu/directory/” color=”orange”] Check it out[/button]
A hawk life
I don’t know what kind of hawks these are. I’ve seen this pair for a while near my home. I’ve seen them hover in the air the same area for weeks. I have seen them do fancy acrobatics for courtship and I have seen them mate. Yesterday I only saw one and it was obviously upset. I thought I would walk over and take a closer look as it seemed to be upset about something in the brush. It didn’t leave as I came near which was strange. I could only imagine that it’s mate must be stuck or hurt. I went into the hemlock weeds which were high above my head not knowing what I would find. There they were, a couple of newly hatched baby fluffy hawks! Read more
A May day in the garden
Memorial Day weekend always seems like a nice time when it comes to gardening.
In May so many things are ready to harvest and the Farmers markets and fruit stands are at their peak. Above you can see the lily pads and cattails in my claw foot bath tub pond are doing well. Read more