This is a young Western King bird that I found one day on the ground in the evening hours. I thought it just couldn’t figure out how to fly yet and had fallen out of the nest. The nest was atop a high tree so there was no way to put it back. Our cats and peacocks were ready to eat it right there so I took it in for the night hoping to release it in the morning where I knew it’s parents were. Unfortunately it was then I I found out upon closer inspection that he was missing all of one wing and would never ever have a chance of getting off the ground. I didn’t appear to be a fresh wound since it was otherwise healthy. It was then I found out I had a little king in my life!
Little King now had a king sized mansion with all perches and branches at various angles so he can hop from branch to branch. Here he is sitting on his perch in my studio. Some are shot against a white background with just window lighting and a reflector and others are shot with a shoot through umbrella and an SB600 opposite the window. The images with trees in the background were seen through a side window.
Eloine you are still amazing. It only takes you a few words and a couple pictures to remind us how precious gods little creatures are.
How very sweet – and so happy to hear that, thanks to you, he is going to do just fine! Wonderful photos and write-up.
What a lot of personality this perky lttle guy has.
Your pic captures it perfectly!
It’s such a blessing to him (or her?) that you help him to live a life he otherwise wouldn’t have, but in the end who is really getting the blessing? He’s just the sweetest looking little thing. Like so much in life, little things we do to bless others (even little birds) result in far greater blessings for us.
Such a great thing to do for this bird.