My Calendula


I noticed my calendula was in bloom. So naturally I checked th Internet to see what I could do with it. I ran accross this really cute story:

Miss McGlaughlin was supervising the playground on a summer afternoon when one of the first grade boys suddenly began shrieking and running around in circles. She quickly determined that he had been stung by a yellow jacket on the upper arm. Casting wildly about for help, her eyes fell on the calendula flowering against the south wall of the school. She pulled the boy over to the flower bed and picked a large blossom, popping it in her mouth. Having heard that masticated calendula quickly relieves the pain of bee stings, she was ready to give it a try. But the flower tasted funny. As she spit it in her palm and applied the soothing mash directly to the sting, she realized that she had chewed up a fat, black “calendula bug” along with the flower. The injured boy had quit crying and was observing her with rapt curiosity. He’d never seen anyone eat a bug before . . .

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