I have so much to learn!

Who would have thought! But it’s cool if it works!

Cornmeal Has Powerful Fungicidal Properties in the Garden
Using Cornmeal as an Organic Fungicide

Hmm… have to try this as well

How to Clean Rusty Garden Tools With Tea

I keep seeing all these natural ways to do things. I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something. I sure have trouble with this so it’s worth a try!
Baking Soda Recipe for Controlling Powdery Mildew on Plants

Update: Grow What You Eat

Just saw this on gardeners.com and of course it’s just a marketing idea to get you to buy their stuff but at least it’s fun! I loved watching the pictures scroll by of what everyone is growing and seeing the ideas they come up with. You can see the pride in these photos that people feel when they look at what came from their garden. It may be an imperfect tomato but it came from their garden. There is something soooo satisfying about that!Grow What You Eat