Ok so this weekly garden update is not so weekly! Oopsie! That’s because anyone who lives near the bay area of California right now knows that for the past couple of weeks it’s been raining and raining and raining! Remind me again…. this IS California isn’t it? I thought it didn’t rain here. Hey, not complaining though the hills are indeed INCREDIBLE this time of year!!!
and once the sun starts to shine the mustard is going to bolt upright to the heavens! This red winged black appears to be waiting for it.
So here are a few updates:
My potato plants seem to be doing well as you can see from above. Both store bought and organic from the garden store. We’ll see when I harvest if I only get pretty plants or if I actually get fresh buttery potatoes!
- Started building a “jungle gym” for the parrot in my veggie garden. It’s already covered with bird netting for protection and a metal frame to hang stuff on. Amazing that should bring a destructive bird back IN to the garden! As you can see Max is enjoying himself up there.
- Did the usual jaunt to the hardware store to pick up some supplies and as always came back with more plants. This time some sweet broom, boxwood basil and a couple of red tip photinia
You brat! I’ve been trying for the last couple weeks to catch a redwing blackbird on mustard, but haven’t gotten one yet!!!
Wow, that first shot is simply fabulous! And I liked the others too, naturally. They are beautiful.
Loved all these shots, and your blog too, of course! That first one with the windmills is a real stunner with the electric green. 😉
A couple of stunning images, love green in the first one.
The shot with the mills is very good.
If this are real mills,are there no people complaining about the noise?
Beautiful set of photos. (although the windmills add interest, but little beauty)
Love the light on the shot of the windmills.