Author: Eloine
Beeboxes and peacocks
Just finished getting some old bee boxes I found and recycling for planting a baby lettuce crop. I am told that since we have mild winters here we can grow them right now. I lined these up against the side fence and put chicken wire underneath to protect from gophers. I have bird netting over the top to protect from our large number of peacoks that roam the property. I have weights on the bottom so I can get in and out easily but they can’t 😉
- I planted Ruby Queen Beets in the first two boxes next to the transplanted honey suckle vine
- Next to that bin I planted an old seed packet of spinach packed for 2007 from the garden club. Variety is “bloomsdale long standing”. We’ll see if it actually grows. It’s supposed to mature in 45 days. In the same bin I planted Chinese Lantern – also an old seed packet. We’ll see if anything sprouts. In addition the seeds being ’07 I think it’s a little late in the year for planting.
- For the rest of the bins except the last two I planted the loose leaf salad bowl mix from Home depot that comes in those plastic bags.
- The very last two is a packet of Green Deer Tongue from Territorial Seed Company.